Keep The Faith

You've got to keep the faith. Why? Because its just a matter of time.

Gon' keep it brotha, you got it. Gon' keep it sista, you got it. He's kept the faith his whole life, so why shouldn't we? Be god like, be a grateful human being. Stay calm and loving. Love is the key.

So keep the faith, baby, yea. Don't let nobody take you down. Go for your dreams, no matter what anyone says. Just don't pay attention to what people might say about you. Don't let anyone get in your way.

Just keep your eyes on the prize, and your feet flat on the ground. Strive, strive, strive until you get to where you're going. Focus, and concentrate, until you have it.

Don't play the fool for the rest of your life. Work on it brotha and you'll make it someday. Why act stupid when you have all that it takes? Apply yourself to everything you can, just do it. Before you know it things will start going your way. But ya got to keep the faith.


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