SOL #1- Easter Fun Outside

     Hey guys! This blog is about a day when it finally got warm outside. My brother and I went outside to play. It was a couple years ago on Easter. There was a hornets nests inside the ground. We we're acting like idiots and put an Easter bucket on top of it. Then the hornets startled poking at the bucket, so my brother got off.
     The bucket was being lifted up by the hornet! The hornets were pretty upset. What really frightened me was that the bucket was levitating. I was so scared. I yelled out "its a flying bucket" and it was chasing us!!! My brother was like "AAAHHH GET IN THE HOUSE!!!"
     It was pretty hilarious that day, we were very young. I was still living at my dads house when we were all still a good family all together. I love my family and we always have a lot of fun on Easter.


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