With All My Heart💓

When I say I love you
I mean it with all my heart
For everything I've ever said to you, is coming from the bottom of my heart
The love I have for you is so strong, not even I can believe it
I would literally do anything for you as long as it meant you would be safe and sound
You are my passion, love, weakness, desire, everything. 
Theres not one second without you on my mind
For you are always drifting through my thoughts 
I cannot imagine a life without you
Miserable, sad, lonely, depressed, angry, confused is what I would be without your unconditional love and affection towards me
I love you so much and never will I ever stop showing you how much you really mean to me


  1. Wow good poem did you make it?

    1. Yes, it came from the heart. The words kind of wrote themselves lol


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